Competition is a good thing. No matter what you are competing in, it keeps things moderated. In sports, where we often think of competition, there is a winner and a looser. Sometimes, a team or athlete who is usually a sure-thing for winning, will loose his competition. They might be having a bad day, an injury or just not in the groove of the game that day. There can be several reasons why the sure-thing lost his competition. Sometimes they will win! We cheer for our favorite! There are odds on winning or loosing a competition.
Competition in politics is crazy. Does competition keep the politicians honest? Does competition bring out the best or worst in their campaigns and promises? Does competition bring out the best or worst in voters? Well, I will leave those answers up to you.
Then there is competition in the market place. Competition has pros and cons in all things.
Pros: It keeps prices affordable! Competition keeps product development competitive too. You get a choice in what you buy! You get to choose size, quantity, color, flavor, etc. You get to choose how much you pay for that product.
Cons: Products can become unhealthy. In order to keep prices down, manufacturers sometimes choose cheaper and possibly inferior ingredients. They may cost less, but are you really getting what you ultimately want? Are you buying lotion to combat the dry skin the cheaper soap causes? Are you buying additional products to get the feeling, taste, or look you could have gotten from a slightly more expensive product? So are you actually saving money buying those additions to make that cheaper product come up to your standard?
Competition is a good thing. It gives you choices. Ultimately it is up to you how much you are willing to give or take in your choice. Are you ok with store brand, usually the cheaper product? Or do you choose the top, name brand, more expensive product?
What would it be like having only one type of car to choose from. A standard 4 door, white, automatic, with only a radio. No other choices. What about only one grocery store? One department store? One type of jeans, or shoes, or shirt? One type of cereal? It would get really boring wouldn't it?! Same-old, same-old, no choice, no flavor.
Now what about a same product offered at different prices? That is a good competition for the consumer! In comparing prices of a few of our products to the manufacturers site, Amazon, Wal Mart, and others, we are in competition! Some are a few pennies different, some are dollars different! So make smart choices for you and your family! Choose Natural You Outlet!
Competition is a good thing. No matter what you are competing in, it keeps things moderated. In sports, where we often think of competition, there is a winner and a looser. Sometimes, a team or athlete who is usually a sure-thing for winning, will loose his competition. They might be having a bad day, an injury or just not in the groove of the game that day. There can be several reasons why the sure-thing lost his competition. Sometimes they will win! We cheer for our favorite! There are odds on winning or loosing a competition.
Competition in politics is crazy. Does competition keep the politicians honest? Does competition bring out the best or worst in their campaigns and promises? Does competition bring out the best or worst in voters? Well, I will leave those answers up to you.
Then there is competition in the market place. Competition has pros and cons in all things.
Pros: It keeps prices affordable! Competition keeps product development competitive too. You get a choice in what you buy! You get to choose size, quantity, color, flavor, etc. You get to choose how much you pay for that product.
Cons: Products can become unhealthy. In order to keep prices down, manufacturers sometimes choose cheaper and possibly inferior ingredients. They may cost less, but are you really getting what you ultimately want? Are you buying lotion to combat the dry skin the cheaper soap causes? Are you buying additional products to get the feeling, taste, or look you could have gotten from a slightly more expensive product? So are you actually saving money buying those additions to make that cheaper product come up to your standard?
Competition is a good thing. It gives you choices. Ultimately it is up to you how much you are willing to give or take in your choice. Are you ok with store brand, usually the cheaper product? Or do you choose the top, name brand, more expensive product?
What would it be like having only one type of car to choose from. A standard 4 door, white, automatic, with only a radio. No other choices. What about only one grocery store? One department store? One type of jeans, or shoes, or shirt? One type of cereal? It would get really boring wouldn't it?! Same-old, same-old, no choice, no flavor.
Now what about a same product offered at different prices? That is a good competition for the consumer! In comparing prices of a few of our products to the manufacturers site, Amazon, Wal Mart, and others, we are in competition! Some are a few pennies different, some are dollars different! So make smart choices for you and your family! Choose Natural You Outlet!
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